Sharing an Inspiration with Joyce Carol OatesSEE THE POSTSeptember 22, 2016Authors, Books, Character, Craft Discussion, Crime Fiction, Literary Fiction, Literary Thriller, Marketplace, Mystery, Novels, Revision, The Writing Life, Voice, Writing Advice, YA 0 0
YA Wednesday: Adult Novels Marketed as YA, YA Marketed as Adult, What Makes a Book YA, Who Is Young Adult Literature For?SEE THE POSTSeptember 21, 2016Authors, Books, Debut Novel, Marketing, Promotion, The Writing Life, YA, YA Wednesday 3 0
YA Wednesday: Fall YA Novels to Obsess Over, 8 Books About Books, YA books, Ear-reading, and Dyslexia, Disability on Book Covers, Book Recommendations Based on Your Favorite Neko Atsume CatSEE THE POSTSeptember 7, 2016Publishing, YA, YA Wednesday 1 0