I was recently downloading The Wings of the Dove by Henry James onto my kindle (for free!) when I noticed that Mr. James got quite a few bad reviews. Many were the equivalent of yellow caution tape – don’t venture past the first page. Admittedly the first page is a little hard to get through, but Henry James is not the only literary giant to get ughs and yawns from Amazon readers.
In honor of Halloween I am sharing some of my favorite ‘horrifying’ Amazon reviews of classic works of literature, along with imagined responses from the authors – dead and undead. Enjoy!
Not exactly sure what to make of all this, except to say that apparently no author, no matter how esteemed, is safe from being flamed.
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Terrific, Em! I laughed out loud.
So funny, Emily! Are you sure there’s no Hell for dummies?
Love this! (And makes me feel better about some of horrifying reviews of my own!)
2 Stars! Emily Ross’s Dead Darlings post shud be red only by intellecshual dummies who shud only read it for if they have too for some English classses. That’s my opinion and it shud be your’s too!