This review originally appeared in New York Journal of Books. “A Bend in the Stars is a thrilling read that sends a chilling message as to how history could repeat itself if we don’t heed [...]
YA Wednesday: NaNoWriMo for Young Writers, YA Must-Reads that Started as NaNoWriMo Projects, What Young Adults Want to Read, Outlining Without Biting Your Head Off
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NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is just around the corner and this could be your chance to finally get that novel, or at least 50,000 words of it, written. The result might be highly [...]
YA Wednesday: YA Authors: Please Stop Doing These Things, Why We Need More Positive Girls Portrayal in Books, Unrealistic Happenings In YA Books
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I’m struggling with my novel in progress. The plot has literally become a shapeshifter, morphing from one genre to another on a daily basis. I just realized my antagonist and protagonist [...]
YA Wednesday: Write A Successful 1st Draft (Without Stabbing Yourself In The Eye With a Spork), The Greatest Lesson I Learned in Writing This Year, Tropes to Avoid, Diverse Books to Look Forward to in 2017
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The New Years resolution at the top of my list is to finish The Black Sea, my novel in progress. And not just to finish it but to wrap it up in two to three months. Admittedly some of my [...]
YA Wednesday: YA Villains That Will Rock Your World, A Villain-Themed YA Anthology, 10 Ways To Create Dangerously Nuanced Antagonists, Which YA Book Villain Are You?
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I recently saw the new Marvel movie, Dr. Strange. I enjoyed its dazzling dreamlike special effects but also found it helpful to me as writer. I’ve been struggling with how to make the [...]
YA Wednesday: Get Pumped For Finishing NaNoWriMo In Style, How-To Tips for NaNoWriMo,YA Novel About NaNoWriMo, 14 Published Novels Written During NaNoWriMo
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NaNoWriMo has officially begun and not just for adults. Some teachers are even doing NaNoWriMo with their students. It’s pretty cool that trying to write a novel in a month has become a [...]
YA Wednesday: Q & A with Beth Revis, 6 Golden Rules of Writing Middle Grade, Are You a YA Writer and You Don’t Even Know It, Summer Camp YA
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I’m in my last week of Camp NaNoWriMo, a summer version of November NaNoWriMo in which you get to set your own word count goals and bunk in a virtual cabin with other writers. I wish I [...]
When I discover that one or both parents are dead in a YA novel, I don’t feel sad. I think, oh no, here we go again. As 10 Worn-out Cliches in YA states, “The death toll of parents in [...]
‘Tis the season of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. But did you know it’s also the season of Ashura, an optional fast day for Muslims, Bodhi Day when Buddhists recall that Siddhartha [...]
YA Wednesday: Three Things for YA Writers to Keep in Mind, 8 Habits of Successful YA Authors, Music to Avoid in YA, and a Politically Correct Lord of the Flies
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This is the time of year that makes us wish we were back in school. Not because we want homework or tests, but because we want back to school clothes, back to school shoes (black patent leather [...]
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